Tuesday, 22 September 2009

How to Create Compelling PowerPoint Presentations in Seconds

Hi All,

We promised to deliver you our new training video sessions on helping small - medium sized businesses and we have not failed you.

Today we have posted our first video which is on how to create compelling vibrant PowerPoint Presentations in seconds rather than hours or days. Microsoft have taken the leg work out of creating slide shows as we have kind of outgrown the typical slide shows and with the older versions of PowerPoint you had to be reasonably creative and skilled at PowerPoint to produce a slide show which was a work of art!

If you are someone who has to deliver a lot of presentations and slides then you can understand the time and energy it takes to produce a presentation right?

Well you would be pleased to know that in PowerPoint 2007 they have a tool called Smart art which allows you to create exciting and engaging slide shows in seconds.

Now I don't know about you but I have been wanting something like this for a long time as it takes all the hassle out of building and crafting a show that I am happy with and that will keep my audience engaged throughout my entire speech.

Smart Art is built to allow you to craft your own presentation so you can easily change it to how you want and gives you many options to choose from, colour, backgrounds, shapes... The flexibility of this tools is worth the upgrade alone!

We have created a video demonstration so you can see for yourself how easy it is to produce your own presentation with little or no skill

Click here to see how to create exciting PowerPoint Slide shows in seconds

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